Introduction to Ufology

Revealing what was Hidden

A Collection of Mysteries about TIME and our Perception of Reality.


Once upon a Time there was a Mystery written that was so distorted as time went by/ the beginning of this Mystery was lost, and miss interpreted to such a degree that the Plot was rewritten by Aliens, and Down Graded to Religion.

The Ghost Writer, the HOLY SPIRIT, has been Revealing this Mystery to Me, Steward of the Mysteries and I was told to Publish the Mysteries.

Aliens rewrote and distorted history by using Religion to bring a whole planet into Bondage and subjection to False concepts of Reality/

These Mysteries are about the Perception of our Reality from a completely different Perspective, that is still UNFOLDING.

The Human Race has been Conditioned to think in certain terms, and conditioned to believe what they are taught concerning their Reality/ Very few ever Question any of this, let alone STUDY to get to the Root of where all this Nonsense comes from/ (better known as MIND CONTROL )

So this is a REVEALING of the TRUTH about our own origins from the beginning, of Time/ and New Info on who the Fallen Angels really are, what they where, and are doing that has been WAY over the heads of anyone using the Carnal Mind.

It is about UFO's from, a Totally different Perception, that has been revealed by the Ghost Writer of these Mysteries, the HOLY SPIRIT.

The Mysteries are the Holy Spirit Revealing how the MIND of CHRIST is coming to those who are willing to PURSUE it. He wants to Free us from the Box of ideas taught today about Reality/

We are on the THRESHOLD of a New Dispensation that will make all of what has been taught before OBSOLETE, as it Sweeps Away those who are Ready to MOVE to a HIGHER PLACE in the Spirit. ( like finding out the world is not flat )

This Reality was made OBSOLETE 2,000 years ago.


The New MYSTERIES of New TRUTHS have one Purpose and One Purpose only.

To Reveal More Of Jesus


Perception of Reality Audio Link


The more Mysteries that are Revealed, the MORE JESUS will be EXALTED..

The More we EXPOSE the LIES of the Devil, the More we Learn about what JESUS did for us 2,000 Years Ago.

The More we Let Go of our OBSOLETE, DEAD DOCTRINES, the more of the MIND of CHRIST we will have to SEE JESUS HIGH and LIFTED UP.

The CARNAL MIND HAS LIMITED what JESUS has done, with its pitiful earthly concepts. .

In the Days Ahead JESUS is going to be REVEALED and ENLARGED MORE and MORE. .

What JESUS has done for us is so MUCH LARGER, BETTER and BEYOND our own ability to Grasp, But the HOLY SPIRIT wants to MOVE us out of our Low life thinking, .


Ms Terry Mosley


Footnote .

Messages from our Future

Messages sent from outside of Time, into Time, to the Future Time Weavers of the Ages to come.


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